How to Head Off Plumbing Problems

With summertime on the way, the last thing you want to think about is your plumbing. This is especially true if you plan to spend more than a few nights a week lounging in the Jacuzzi tub, or swimming in your pool. Summer typically means the showers run more than a few times a day, especially as you come in hot and sweaty from exercise or outdoor play. Good plumbing means a happy home, and in order to keep it that way you will want to head off plumbing problems before they require some expensive work.

You don’t need to get a certificate in plumbing mechanics to know how to keep good pipes and fixtures. Just take care not do overdo a few things and not to abuse your plumbing during crucial months. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1) Watch how you use the garbage disposal. Summer may mean you’ll cook at home more, and make use of your sinks and disposal. Take care, though, not to get carried away by chucking vegetable peels and other compost down the drain. It’s a disposal, not a garbage can. Limit the waste to small shards and liquids when possible.

2) Keep an eye on the common bathrooms. Do you have kids? If so, chances are you’ll have frequent visitors this summer. You’ll want to make sure the toilets flush properly and little ones are not running off while leaving the faucets running.

3) Keep home plumbing tools handy. In case of accidents, have a good plunger and brand of plumbing liquid around to solve minor clogging issues. Some emergencies are not as harrowing as you may first think; your best defense is a clear head, calm hands, and a bit of research to get your plumbing operational again.

4) Watch usage of water for outdoor purposes. You might spend more time watering the lawn, or your kids may wish to fill up a pool. If you have not used outdoor spigots in several months, start gently with the water flow and make sure your hoses and sprinklers are working correctly. If you had a previous cold snap and did nothing for your outdoor plumbing, you may encounter problems. Always err on the side of caution.

With summertime comes more time to play, relax, and garden. As you are more likely to use your fixtures and water at home, you’ll want to head off plumbing issues before they get out of hand. Be vigilant and you should be fine.

Kathryn Lively


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